Duxbury Clipper
May 01, 2019
By Anne Fenwick, Columnist
In the Garden: Growing flowers with compost
I went to England last spring on the garden tour of my dreams. From great castles to private estates and cottages, everyone everywhere had a flower garden, fresh herbs for cooking, an espalier of berries or fruit of some sort, tulips and daffodils scattered in the grass (dandelions, too!) with mown paths just for foot traffic.
Duxbury Clipper
January 30, 2019
By Anne Fenwick, Columnist
In the Garden:
Wintery pleasures
This time of year, don’t you just love to see red berries? Our native common winterberry offers red berries in such abundance that it has the effect of a warm fire when you see it.
With the background of the soft dark evergreens really taking center stage now, especially if snow and ice lights their branches, and colorful birds as decorations, it is a scene that brings joy and peace all at once.
Duxbury Clipper
November 28, 2018
By Anne Fenwick, Columnist
In the Garden: Autumn leaves make a winter blanket
Gold, scarlet, melon, icy pink, lemon – those falling leaves that drift by the window?
Keep them. They provide a winter blanket for plants, which want to be cozy just like us, and food full of nutrients as they break down, turning into compost. So rake them under your shrubs, over the perennials and around the roses.
Life on the Bay
August 2016
By Doug Coulliard
338 Washington
Lynn and Bill Rice shared their beautiful gardens with us this month and we are so glad they did! Their home is beautiful from the Washington Street view, however, as we make our way into the back yard it was amazing what a hidden paradise emerged. Lush green grass surrounded on all corners of the property with such an amazing variety of plantings and hardscape.